Current Mood! |
So I say I'm back and then I disappear for nearly a month [what's up with that?] I figure I'd call myself out. I promise I've wanted to post just had things that had to be taken care of before I could blog.
As you can see I've gone through and redone the blog. I've actually settled on this one for a while. [until my mood changes again] And get this you can actually see the words. [well of new posts]
So what all do I have to say [plenty] Should I back track and break down blog post after blog post or do one jam packed overloaded post? [which will your brain prefer]
There's so much to discuss! Seattle, Etsy [why I changed my blog purpose back] Work, School, my Crafts, and of course the Count Down to GEORGIA!
The Count Down [So on! 11 Days] |
So as for Etsy [this one isn't entirely big news] if anyone has been checking I've not got anything up for sell yet. The truth is I've been busting my butt to finish up ThankYou cards for two separate weddings [250 for one & 200 for the other] In between breaks of each set of Thank You cards I've been working on more and more things for you all to purchase and see. I've also been making my home a bit more homey.
Vandal Territory [we Kick Butt!] |
Home for instance: I making a Vandal plaque to put above the door [so everyone knows this is Vandal Territory!] I made a summer wreath for the door [it even has zebra ribbon!] And last I've made vinyl wall hangings for my sister's moving in this summer! [3 weeks!! & Counting] So stay tuned on Etsy because come this summer[i.e. once I'm back from Georgia] You'll have plenty to browse through and purchase plenty of things to brighten your day, home, and hair!
School: I've been working on withdrawing [to no avail!] And the news I received yesterday was that I had in fact been able to medically withdraw from this semester!! [wow I'm moving right along with this: no sense overload?!]
We Sell More than iPhone [truth!] |
Work has been amazing! [no denying it!] Like a 180! and really I guess that's the most of what I have to say. I won a contest and I'm actually hitting numbers [of course this month they're a little low] But none the less I'm making changes and I LOVE my job and after all shouldn't we LOVE what we do! [you should]
Well speaking of work it's off to work [sell those Phones!] I'll be back tomorrow with more [Promise!]
All My Love