Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blizzard [Not the DQ kind]

Dear Blizzard,

I hate you! [with an exceeding passion!]

There's not much more to say than that, besides the fact that it has completely ruined today!! [COMPLETELY!]

So for all of you who live where the sunshine's and no snow blows you're very lucky [and I envy you!] For those who live in Idaho you truly understand. So here it is, I could write this all in words but I don't believe some of you would truly understand at all unless there is evidence so before I even begin to explain what this blizzard has done for your viewing:
This was the start of it all a week ago [it melted the same day]

A day or two later the same type of snow [it melted mid-morning]

Sunday at 5:30 [it had snowed all day]

It continued to snow through the night [My car hates snow]

This is what I woke up to on Monday Morning [it's still snowing you just can't tell in this picture]

This is what it looks like on Tuesday [it's worse now]

This is what it looks like 30 minutes ago [stupid blizzard]

Can you say white out? [this was 10 minutes ago]
You can no longer see out the windows and doors of my Mother [inlaw]'s house. The plows are not out plowing the roads [dumb] and they have closed the interstate that takes us to Salt Lake meaning Eric & I missed our best friends wedding to each other! Logan & Nicole will be married in 3 hours and we wont be there. [are you crying for me yet! - thank you blizzard you stupid stupid blizzard!] And is it getting any better? nope it is suppose to get worse through out the day. If it ruins my chances of seeing my grandparents [both sets - it already almost left me in Moscow] tomorrow me and this blizzard are going to come to blows!! [I'm something even the weather has to reckon with!] So needless to say [unless you just really can't tell from the pictures] this weather SUCKS [like BSU sucks]

I think we are celebrating the wrong holiday this week, yesterday it was pretty and felt like Christmas! [not that I'm prepared for that holiday] None the less Thanksgiving will be here on Thursday and all of Eric's mom's side of the family [did you follow that] will be in attendance. So I'm excited but the weather really needs to be clear then and allow me to travel back to Moscow [Black Friday I curse you - the downfall of working in Retail]

So for everyone traveling please drive safely through the state of Idaho [it's not nearly this bad really anywhere else]. And to Logan & Nicole we are with you in spirit and really truly deeply are upset that we are not there physically [quite frankly I'm actually pissed but that didn't sound sweet] And we are so incredibly happy for you!! All of our love!! Congrats guys! You made it!![they had to wait a whole year!]

Happy Thanksgiving,
All my Love

Monday, November 22, 2010

Flowers & Bows [Craftiness]

You're so talented & I'm so crafty [talented too] And that is exactly what this post is about. [not that you ever have to guess what I'm writing about]

So Logan & Nicole get married Tuesday [shout out] And I'm excited. [STOKED] I leave tomorrow morning [barring the snow doesn't screw with my plans!] And I'm not part of the bridal party but I'm attached to a groomsmen [aka wifey & hubby - I get to stand on Eric's arm, it's just darling] So I do not want to look like a funny duck in the photos so I have to match colors [I do this for all my friends weddings - Eric hate's it I buy a tie for him to match too] So what to do with my hair? I can't exactly wear my tiara [no really I'm letting Nicole borrow it for her day] So I was thinking curls!!! [LOVE] And then I was like darn all I have are grey, black, and white flowers for my hair. Sooo I made something for my hair [of course I did]
I made ribbon head bands, strechy headbands, ribbon bows, & flower combos [they're stunning] I'm so phenom that I managed to match the ribbon perfectly. Now matching flowers was a whole other story! This blue only exists in the spring so I improvised [put my skills & creativity to the test] I came up with some seriously stunning hairccessories [accessories for your hair] Trust me you'll want to buy one of them from me [One day I will be selling them too you] So for your viewing pleasure I have photos!
My first one for the wedding [then I learned Eric will be in black not brown - her colors are brown and blue]

I absolutely love the gold & green in the brown flowers [I wear lots of brown too]

Still working on a hair pin for this but its Darling! [It's absolutely precious!]

Green, with glitter!! [I wore this to work today -that's on my head in this picture!]

The one that I will wear in the wedding [see the blues aren't exact but look fantastic!]

Purple & Glitter [my fave!]

I really liked the blue too [couldn't resist had to keep creating]

Love these two colors together [& the glitter]

Loved the color & wanted it to glitter [I hand painted that glitter edge!]
So now if there was any doubt in anyone's mind how creative I was this should waive that doubt [not that you should have had it in the first place] I'm quite proud of my craftiness and think they turned out lovely. I maybe freezing down in Salt Lake on Tuesday but by darn my hair sure is gonna look SUPER cute! [it usually does]

This post is short & sweet but so rewarding [look at my great craftiness] So why I have left you with little to ponder think on what your own hands can create. [clearly mine are meant to bring cute hairccessories to girls, teens & adults around the nation

I'll be in a car in 7 hours [I should probably get some sleep] and be there [in the car] for 8 1/2 hours so I'll try and post on the go. [This snow needs to cease so I can actually leave - darn snow!

All my Love
& craftiness!

Happy Thanksgiving [safe traveling!]

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Trouble in Paradise [stupid storm]

So if you did not know from reading this blog Eric & I live in paradise, perfect little house, perfect friends, the most amazing church [the true gospel], the perfect college, and the perfect town [for now]. And Monday night our paradise got rocked by the most insane storm

There I was peacefully sleeping in my bed....wait let me back up to Sunday and set the stage. [It helps you visualize - I know] So Sunday [it gets dark about 4:30 here now - it blows!] so when I left work at 6:00 it was nearly pitch black out side and the wind is blowing so hard I can hardly see let alone open the door to my car. I truly thought my car might get picked up due to the amount of wind and be blown away. [do not worry - it did not happen!] I get home and kiss my husband [we kiss every time one of us leaves or comes home - I know darling yes, I told you perfection] So after we kiss we sit down on the couch pull out some serious junk food [I mean we're talking serious junk food : gold fish, icing covered cookies, cheetos, chips & soda!] We get cozy on the couch and whip out our PS3 [go PS3, down with x-box!]controllers and call of duty black ops and begin to play online. [Yes I'm so awesome, Eric's so lucky. His wife plays video games with him] So we're running around shooting things online and some where around 7:00 our connection gets interrupted every 5 seconds [ok more like 15 minutes but come on I was in the middle of getting to be moderately ok at this game!] After an hour or two of this on going crap we give up and head to Logan's for a shower. [until yesterday our hot water heater was broken - trust me a cold shower in the winter in Idaho is awful!] We chilled with Logan [shout out]for a while watched a movie [great movie] and then headed back to our cozy home for some sleep. 

Now where I started this thing:

There I was peacefully sleeping in my bed [super warm & cozy] cuddling my adorably passed out husband [when he falls asleep he's gone for good]. And BAM! I am jolted so unkindly awake from my [dreamy] sleep! It was ridiculous [I'm still pissed it woke me up!] To my surprise this ridiculous storm has even woken my husband up. Yep there was a storm going on out side our window [Poor Hurley she was just a howling and crying - she HATED it!] It wasn't just out side our window it was all over the place. I refused to go look out the window or front door [for fear of seeing a house fly by of course]. There was wind so intense our windows were breathing [no joke I could hear them moving!] The hail sounded about golf ball size [Eric still says it could have only been like half that size - but I swear if we were strictly going off sound it was softball size!] So after that it was a restless night because every 30 minutes I'd jolt awake and have to talk my sore achy body back to sleep. [even Eric woke up about the same as me every 30 minutes or so

So of course I'm too exhausted to drive Eric to work in the morning [that and I figured we're going to ZUMBA and Cody's (shout out) driving no need for a car] 3:30 am just came WAY too soon. So then at 6:00 I get a call from Cody and I'm so exhausted I'm like it's all good though I can make it to ZUMBA. [that was the plan - stupid storm] Not only could I hardly hear Cody [stupid cell phone towers got knocked out - of course] but her power had also been knocked out so Cody couldn't see! [we have that kind of luck!] So ZUMBA was canceled. [that sucked, I LOVE ZUMBA!]

So I went back to sleep [absolutely pointless] and when I woke up I got ready and left for class. Boy did I not plan for the 2 mile walk! It was cold [nope it was FREEZING!] So along my way I got to see all sorts of damages. The roads were covered [I'd say an inch thick] in tree branches and pine needles. The side walks were cloaked in a good 6 inches of leaves [most of them rotting - the top layer was what was left on the trees] and of course all sorts of obstructions in my path! I could not document it all as my fingers were so numb it was hard to get the few pictures I did [I even had gloves on gosh darn it!] I did attempt to snap shots of the snow that had appeared due to the hail but you couldn't tell the difference between it and the shade as the sky was covered in clouds! So there you go below are the few snap shots I did capture [do not judge my phenomenal photography skills by these pictures, please & thank you!]

I was not excited about walking around this [cars don't always stop for people]

It was winning this battle of me trying to cross it [it filled my shoe full of sap!]

That use to be one really big tree [the storm showed it who was boss]

Another obstruction [#2 of 3]

Not as bad [none the less it was still in my way!]

Obstacle 3 [ it was the easiest but scariest to cross]

So there you have it winter has arrived in my paradise. We were so content and happy [oh well, I built a bridge and am getting over it - you should too] So now we prepare for winter. We thankfully have a wood stove [I told you our place was perfect] So Eric's dad [Lorin] is the baumdiggidty! He's letting us bring his truck back with us after thanksgiving and so we will have a truck to go chop wood. [we're so cool] So then we'll be warm and cozy and I've already busted out the hot cocoa! So I guess jack frost can come if he likes [as long as I'm prepared.]

Well it's off to class [upholding those A's still] so bust out your coats, those heavy blankets, and hot cocoa!! Winter has arrived ladies and gents. [This is not the green light to bust out the Christmas music yet though]

Start thinking about what you're thankful for, Thanksgiving is right around the corner! [Happy Thanksgiving, I'm so thankful for my family!]

All my Love,

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Vandal [tastic]

Once a Vandal always a Vandal! [always!]

Side Bar: as a tribute to my VANDALS this will be a silver, black and gold post [I'm the author I can toss the purple if I like!]

Despite what the avid BSU fans might believe is they wear orange and blue, we BLEED silver, black and gold! [we eat, sleep, & breathe it!] For anyone who is a true Vandal [through and through - not just when we are winning] you are aware that Nov 12, 2010 was the last U of I vs. BSU game. It was all bitter sweet [not really! we never care to see those colors again!] We were expected to lose 70+ to nothing [did they really think we would allow a shut out on our own turf - honestly

Anyone who truly knows me knows I'm an AVID football fan [and true to my teams always -shout out UGA and Salem High!] It is the case here at U of I, I am a die hard [doesn't even begin to explain my school spirit!] So of course I was pumped for the game, I have been waiting all season for this! I was prepared too, glitter spray, face stickers, black and gold clothes, jewelry, and of course my voice [I have some killer lungs & vocals! (ask Jersey - she knows: shout out!)

I will spare all the Vandal addicts the pain of reliving the loss but I will say while the rest of the BSU is celebrating a win, we are celebrating so much more [we are always proud of our boys] That fourth quarter showed BSU and the Nation [yes we were on ESPN!] that we have a fight in us and are not gonna lose with out a fight [or making a huge statement]. Look at what we did we rank fairly low in the nation [as far as football goes, not academics in your face BSU] we scored twice on BSU [that actually counted we scored more than that truly though] And we took TWO of your quaterback's out. [How about that for strength and skill] Despite what viewers might believe I'm proud to wear my black silver and gold [always] and even more proud of our boys for putting up a fantastic fight! [even if it was only in the fourth quarter] It just proves if we'd played that way the whole game maybe things might have come out different! [They really would have!]

For your viewing pleasure some of our pictures. I will say Katie Garcia [shout out] and I had THE BEST crowd cameo photo and we totally did NOT get voted for! How lame [yes I picked blue b/c BSU blue is lame!] yes! [of course it's lame we should have won!] So vote now! [We have the best photo for you below] That ladies and gentlemen is my ONLY complaint about the game!
Katie Garcia & I [should be winners of Crowd Cameo Photo!]

Katie Garcia [Spotlight]

He hates when I make him take pictures [attempt 1]

His face & mine are cute! [I don't care it's blurry -attempt 2]

Tuba's where making fun [attempt 3]

Perfection! [Attempt 4]

Vandal! [through & through!]
Well there you have it we may have lost but we celebrated our Vandal accomplishments [I do have to say that was BSU, the 2nd team in the nation - way to show 'em how real Idaho Boys play!] I'm a Vandal and Proud! [In the most Christlike humble way possible!]

A tribute to our boys on the field [GOOOO Vandals!]

Go, Vandals, Go
Came a tribe from the North, brave and bold
Bearing banners of Silver and Gold
Tried and true, to subdue all their foes
Vandals! Vandals!

Come on and go, Vandals, go
Fight on with hearts true and bold
Foes will fall before your Silver and your Gold U of I!
The victory cannot be withheld from thee
So all bear down for Idaho
Come on ol' Vandals go!

I - D - A - H - O
Idaho, Idaho, go - go - go!

The victory cannot be withheld from thee
So all bear down for Idaho
Come on ol' Vandals--

Came a tribe from the North, brave and bold Let's go!

Good game boys!

All my Love,
Go Vandals!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I'm getting really good at this posting regularly [gosh darn it I just jinxed my self]. Well for now I'm really good at this, and today I have some lovely words of wisdom [they come from the Lord so it's legit!]. So if you're not in the mood to be enlightened [more so than by my usual posts] or uplifted [as in Sunday was enough for you] then pass this post by. 

So for the rest of you faithful readers, I intend on telling you about my weekend and some of the lovely things I've been reading [it's more knowledge then you'll know what to do with.]

I'll start with Saturday, [for those who haven't been to the temple I promise I'm not about to divulge or give away anything] Our dearest Logan Morris went to the temple for the first time to take out his endowment. [if you don't know research via the LDS.ORG website - The Prophet and Apostle's tell things best] Logan and Nicole will be married in a few days and we were blessed with being invited to help support Logan [he really has come so far!] And it was beautiful outside that day [perfect weather, a bit breezy but sunshine and no clouds] And once inside even though it was a day for Logan [which it really was all about supporting him - I like that] I did not realize that it was also about me. Going there was so overdue [so needed] for both Eric & I. We literally had the best day. [It's always a great day with us, but this was a day all in it's own category.] We had no care in the world. We went and did whatever we wanted just me & him [NO cell phones at all] It was beautiful and that's when I realized everything that I'd been reading was telling me & Eric, we need more time together [we live together yes but good quality (not quantity) time together.] Saturday we got just that and we got to do it in the closest place we could have been to the Lord! [You cannot begin to comprehend the feeling until you've been through the temple yourself!

And no we did not forget to mark this joyous occasion [I want to be involved with photography of course there are photos] Trusty iPhone 4 was there to help document the day! And below you can see 4 of the pictures. [for proof (not that my word isn't document enough) and documentation of the day!]
The Happy Couple [14 days & counting]

Family & Friends [although we all consider each other family]

See we argue just as siblings do [This is Logan being reprimanded]

We are such a beautiful bunch! [close up you can see the love!]  

I know aren't we all just so presh [thanks for that Cody - can't wait to go through with you!] So that's my sweet short story about Saturday now to share the Gospel [every member a missionary].

For those of you not yet married [Joseph] You will be someday so take notes for when that time comes. [you'll thank me when you use it later] And for the married couples you'll want to read this with great attention [in all seriousness it's true doctrine from the Apostles to me to you!] We all know I had a rough patch [Eric & I were not playing like a team] So in order to help fix our team [aka relationship] we were offered some reading material [who knew it would be so useful and handy]!

So from the Apostles & Prophet to me to you, here it is! [condensed of course - I don't claim to be Prophetic when it's the Lord's wisdom!]

1. Avoid Parallel Marriage [two lines that never crosses but move in the same direction] Meaning remain in contact, keep up the TEAM work [there's no I, My, or Mine in Team!] Start interacting more kiss each other hello goodbye [yes even when they take the garbage out - that's my own tid bit] Do what works if not being a team is not working [which it isn't - not if you want to last!] then work as a team.

2. Quality [not Quantity] Between school, work, your friends, church, and church callings, [for some of you even babies] there is not always a lot of time for you and spouse to have enough time together. So make it quality time! [Creative dating] Date at least once a week [no church, no babies, no work, no school!] And talk about you and spouse! [just because you dated and got married does NOT mean you know EVERYTHING about each other!]

3. Use Christlike communication [Key word : Christ & Communicate] Don't Lie [it is of the devil] Stop Blaming [take responsibility for not doing right - you're a better person in doing so] Cease the Criticism [it's negative and demeaning and just down right mean!] and last Avoid Anger [it's a common mishap don't let it become a pit fall of regularity that you fall into - it just shows your lack of self control

4.Now all this being said you don't need a list [although these are guidelines to aid in not needing a list] You don't know everything about your spouse but you know them better than anyone else so come up with your own list [be creative as if you were courting again] and do things that are important to both of you and learn things that interest each other.

Wow I feel so knowledgeable [I am just still child like in Christ's teachings - it's an ever learning process] That's a lot to hear from the pulpit but as it was shared with me I felt the need to share it with you [and I act on the impulse or feeling] On a spiritual high I'm off to institute to absorb more teachings. [I'm gonna become Molly Mormon before I know it - no that wont happen ;)]

All my Love
 & Knowledge!


Monday, November 8, 2010

Domestic [In The Good Sense]

It's official, I'm completely 100% domestic. I'm the same person just with a better head on my shoulders. I am quite the homemaker if I do say so myself [it's true doctrine]. I'm all about getting my school done [i have all A's], making the money at work [it takes more than my pretty face to make that happen], and being the cutest little LDS wife ever [I really am the cutest]. 

To be completely honest [when am I not?] I have so many dreams of what I want to do, what I want to be, and how I want to accomplish all of this. [This is about to get real deep & personal!] So I want to be everything, I want to be SUPER woman! I want to be a nurse, a CEO, a marketing director, an advertising team leader, a mommy, a dancer, a homemaker, a business owner, a photographer and so much more. [I could do it all if I really wanted] But what I have decided is why can't I have it all [I deserve it after all]. Eric & I were talking the other day [we do this everyday I ask a million questions he thinks of a simple answer and then I proceed with an overextended response] And I asked him what made him happy [besides me of course] and where he wanted to be when we were old. And it really made me think [no I will not be elaborating on my husbands answer-that's between spouses ;)] what do I really truly want [above all else] and what I realized is all the dreams and things I would love to achieve would be just that something to achieve not something that would make me happy long term [deep I know] And this is what I came up with [hold your breath this is my dream laid before you] I want to Love the Lord always [as I do now] continue being close to & love my husband [spiritually, mentally, physically] to be a mommy [to many - not just my own] and be a business homemaker [you're about hear some real ideas here]. So the first part is easy some might be a while [the mommy thing] before it happens, but I can do that [it's worth the wait]. The last thing though how ever are you to be a business homemaker

Well here it is ladies and gents [this came to me while making my adorable fairy costume (see my Halloween post for photos) and again after my deep chat with Eric] I want above all to do some advertising, photography, and homemaker type activities. So why not combined all of that into my own business. [Which is precisely what I am going to do!] I forgot how much I enjoyed my arts & crafts and how much I enjoy true photography [not your bathroom photos or squished sweaty faces at the club] and so I am going to take the degree I obtain [oh only 3 more years to go....] and combine that with my natural ability to be create and my talent for crafts [I've made beautiful things with my hands -Thank you Heavenly Father for blessing me with that ability] and create a business. Why not [there is not a reason to stop me (aside from the Lord)] start a business, that I run, I advertise for, I sell the things I create, and at the same time I get to aid mothers in being homemakers with my creations and get to maintain being a mother to my own! [I'm a genius!

There you have it I'm domestic and completely content with being so, it's a great realization. I miss the music and the late nights, the music, and the friends of my wild days but the truth is there is no happiness in it all. [now that's REAL doctrine] I'm happier than I've ever been coming to this realization and working daily at my school work, work work, church work, and my marriage to make it celestial [that's when it's wroth while! when it's eternal!

That was quite the ta da a ha! moment for me [and if it wasn't for you then keep it to your self and don't rain on my parade! :)] Look for my next post if you're in need of a spiritual up lift [I read some great stuff and want to share] if not just remember everyone need a little church in their life [otherwise you'll find yourself lost & confused in that spacious building!

All my Love,

P.s. Get out and ZUMBA! it's good for You AND your Body! Even the domestic women need to keep our Bangin' Smokin Hott bods while we get older!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Unwritten [UnPosted] Knowledge

Don't you just hate when you are on a roll [I always am-on a roll that is] and that roll gets posted [or so you thought?] It just is terrible news, I saved a post so I could get back to it and went to look & post it this morning [because I know you were dying for another post after the Halloween post]. And what did I find [horror] was a fantastic back to school piece that never got posted! [what a shame] So why let a perfectly master piece [of knowledge] got to waste. So paying tribute to what was written for you [and sadly never posted] is being posted now. [So exciting!]

Back to School, Back to School.....[You should watch Adam Sandler Movies more often]
Today students started the journey to prove they aren't fools. I have to say half of me is thrilled to be back in class, one day closer to college graduation.[It's been a long trip] However, there is the other half of my body [& mind] that are like ok time to have a baby and skip out on the class full of 325 freshman, because it's a required science for me. [who needs environmental science for Marketing & Advertising]

I've taken on quite the class load, art, science, science lab, math, english, & communications. [I'm a smarty pants : but you already knew that] It's gonna be a race to keep a float [and make all A's : that's a lot of pressure] But I'm up for the challenge [school can't break me] And school can't break you so get back to class [please drop that P.E. class you're taking again, I mean badminton? Come on gals how about some ZUMBA!]

Well class calls, and here it is [don't slack this semester, do your best] a new semester, a fresh start & a season full of opportunities [don't skrew it up!]

Good luck in class! [I wont need it, but you I'm guessing some one will]

Miss Smarty Pants,
All My Love!

That's the saying after all right, another day another dollar. However here it's not really another dollar. Another day another hour, is how I get by. 

I would love to make it through one day right now where it's not do or die. Where every minute isn't crucial to success and every word does not have to be perfect for survival.  

Everywhere I turn someone needs something from me [even you & me!] Church callings demand a lot [those tiny humans can't do it all by themselves, some one needs to teach them] School, well that's a lot of flipping homework [Anything less than an A is unacceptable] Work, is a number of hours [and we have bills to pay, I have to work for money to pay them] Friends, they all want to do something and different times and schedules [I mean who wouldn't want to hang with me] and Family, we're all scattered all over and hour time differences and everyone wants a two hour talk time [I mean I know I'm great to talk to, but we have to share me!]

I'm ready for a nice VACA [that wont be happening soon] The problem with getting a vaca is every time I do well then it's go go go or we're broke broke broke! [Time is Money : it's truth]. 

Since time is valuable [& short] that's all I'll leave you with this: make time for those who matter. You can't take money with you [there's no Prada in the after life] Knowledge is worth your time [it's everything] Church is good and spiritual [You're NOTHING with out the Lord!] Friends are a nice shoulder to lean on [you're not always going to be strong enough to stand by your self] and Family is really all you have [now and in the here after forever!]

Family and the Lord are my all,
All My Love,

For the sake of Baumtastic Blogging even though at this point I hadn't implemented the nice color touch and all my side bar comments [which are completely necessary]  I hope you enjoy my archived notes of knowledge! [it's free wisdom] now look forward to learning a little bit about being a homemaker [being a mother is a job worth more than being a ceo!

That's a lot of knowledge for now [take it, absorb it, use it]
All My Love,