So if you did not know from reading this blog Eric & I live in paradise, perfect little house, perfect friends, the most amazing church [the true gospel], the perfect college, and the perfect town [for now]. And Monday night our paradise got rocked by the most insane storm!
There I was peacefully sleeping in my bed....wait let me back up to Sunday and set the stage. [It helps you visualize - I know] So Sunday [it gets dark about 4:30 here now - it blows!] so when I left work at 6:00 it was nearly pitch black out side and the wind is blowing so hard I can hardly see let alone open the door to my car. I truly thought my car might get picked up due to the amount of wind and be blown away. [do not worry - it did not happen!] I get home and kiss my husband [we kiss every time one of us leaves or comes home - I know darling yes, I told you perfection] So after we kiss we sit down on the couch pull out some serious junk food [I mean we're talking serious junk food : gold fish, icing covered cookies, cheetos, chips & soda!] We get cozy on the couch and whip out our PS3 [go PS3, down with x-box!]controllers and call of duty black ops and begin to play online. [Yes I'm so awesome, Eric's so lucky. His wife plays video games with him] So we're running around shooting things online and some where around 7:00 our connection gets interrupted every 5 seconds [ok more like 15 minutes but come on I was in the middle of getting to be moderately ok at this game!] After an hour or two of this on going crap we give up and head to Logan's for a shower. [until yesterday our hot water heater was broken - trust me a cold shower in the winter in Idaho is awful!] We chilled with Logan [shout out]for a while watched a movie [great movie] and then headed back to our cozy home for some sleep.
Now where I started this thing:
There I was peacefully sleeping in my bed [super warm & cozy] cuddling my adorably passed out husband [when he falls asleep he's gone for good]. And BAM! I am jolted so unkindly awake from my [dreamy] sleep! It was ridiculous [I'm still pissed it woke me up!] To my surprise this ridiculous storm has even woken my husband up. Yep there was a storm going on out side our window [Poor Hurley she was just a howling and crying - she HATED it!] It wasn't just out side our window it was all over the place. I refused to go look out the window or front door [for fear of seeing a house fly by of course]. There was wind so intense our windows were breathing [no joke I could hear them moving!] The hail sounded about golf ball size [Eric still says it could have only been like half that size - but I swear if we were strictly going off sound it was softball size!] So after that it was a restless night because every 30 minutes I'd jolt awake and have to talk my sore achy body back to sleep. [even Eric woke up about the same as me every 30 minutes or so]
So of course I'm too exhausted to drive Eric to work in the morning [that and I figured we're going to ZUMBA and Cody's (shout out) driving no need for a car] 3:30 am just came WAY too soon. So then at 6:00 I get a call from Cody and I'm so exhausted I'm like it's all good though I can make it to ZUMBA. [that was the plan - stupid storm] Not only could I hardly hear Cody [stupid cell phone towers got knocked out - of course] but her power had also been knocked out so Cody couldn't see! [we have that kind of luck!] So ZUMBA was canceled. [that sucked, I LOVE ZUMBA!]
So I went back to sleep [absolutely pointless] and when I woke up I got ready and left for class. Boy did I not plan for the 2 mile walk! It was cold [nope it was FREEZING!] So along my way I got to see all sorts of damages. The roads were covered [I'd say an inch thick] in tree branches and pine needles. The side walks were cloaked in a good 6 inches of leaves [most of them rotting - the top layer was what was left on the trees] and of course all sorts of obstructions in my path! I could not document it all as my fingers were so numb it was hard to get the few pictures I did [I even had gloves on gosh darn it!] I did attempt to snap shots of the snow that had appeared due to the hail but you couldn't tell the difference between it and the shade as the sky was covered in clouds! So there you go below are the few snap shots I did capture [do not judge my phenomenal photography skills by these pictures, please & thank you!]
I was not excited about walking around this [cars don't always stop for people] |
It was winning this battle of me trying to cross it [it filled my shoe full of sap!] |
That use to be one really big tree [the storm showed it who was boss] |
Another obstruction [#2 of 3] |
Not as bad [none the less it was still in my way!] |
Obstacle 3 [ it was the easiest but scariest to cross] |
So there you have it winter has arrived in my paradise. We were so content and happy [oh well, I built a bridge and am getting over it - you should too] So now we prepare for winter. We thankfully have a wood stove [I told you our place was perfect] So Eric's dad [Lorin] is the baumdiggidty! He's letting us bring his truck back with us after thanksgiving and so we will have a truck to go chop wood. [we're so cool] So then we'll be warm and cozy and I've already busted out the hot cocoa! So I guess jack frost can come if he likes [as long as I'm prepared.]
Well it's off to class [upholding those A's still] so bust out your coats, those heavy blankets, and hot cocoa!! Winter has arrived ladies and gents. [This is not the green light to bust out the Christmas music yet though]
Start thinking about what you're thankful for, Thanksgiving is right around the corner! [Happy Thanksgiving, I'm so thankful for my family!]
All my Love,
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