Despite what some of you may feel about holy matrimony, our religion holds it dear, and holds it Eternal! So many in today's society feel that by indulging ourselves in love and marriage we are deciding that we have failed at life and will try the settling down thing and skate through life that way. These people have no concept of religion or the true meaning of life. [After all isn't what brought you into this world love & maybe marriage between two people?]
To these people I feel sad, they do not know or cannot comprehend what our Father in Heaven wants for us. That he truly has sacrificed His Son for us and that He wants us to be happy and be a part of something bigger than this world, a family. In order to do that you gotta get hitched! [I mean who doesn't like the benefits of marriage, tax breaks, eternal companions, some body who love's you unconditionally, wants to make pretty babies with you, & the practicing of making babies is pretty fun!] So to those who believe in true love and eternal matrimony this is for you!
One last time we're gonna give a Big Shout Out in a very Big way to Logan & Nicole Morris! They have finally tied the knot! We may have missed the wedding [thank you blizzard for closing the only way to get to the temple from Mom & Dad's house...not] We were not about to miss their reception.
Saturday was nearly a perfect day for Eric & I. We love football, music, and being Vandals, as well as being around friends. This was what our day was like. Got up I went to work and got to do my job [which unlike some I'm blessed enough to enjoy my job] Then I got to have lunch with my husband and head to the last Vandal Football game of the season! Wahoo! We had a blast [this should have been an easy win - but nope they had to leave us on the edge of our seats] We listened to the marching band play continually trying to rile up the few fans in the stands and screamed our lungs out while I took snap shots of the band members. With the final minute on the clock the Vandals left us breathless taking all three time outs to throw the Spartans out of their groove forcing them to kick [they decide to play hardball and wound the clock down to 2 seconds] We are Vandals and they were Spartans. We upheld our name and blocked that kick [I'd hate to be that kicker!] Forcing us to go into overtime. There was a coin flip, we won & were smart and took the ball second [if you don't know how OT works look it up on Wikipedia it's simple :)] We held the little breath we had left for the next excruciating plays. They managed a field goal against us. Now it was our turn. In three runs we got a Touch Down!!! We won the game by 3. Then Eric & I left for the reception. [What happened next was unforeseen]
Disaster Struck! [It usually does, when it involves me & stairs] That stupid ice had caked the stairs outside the Kibbie Dome and wouldn't you know it I was the one to go tumbling down the flight of stairs laid before me. I managed to put a hole in my left palm from trying to stop my self [it was completely full of gravel & stone] Bruised my thumb and pointer finger [did you know they're not suppose to bend completely backwards?] and scrapped my butt cheeks pretty good. I also whacked my head on every stair step down [now that takes talent!] And jammed my left arm and entire spine column. It hurt like crap cried like a baby the whole way back to the car! It burned so bad I felt like a little 4 year old [although I'm sure the profane word that slipped out of my mouth when I fell would not have come out of a little kid's mouth!]
So after crying and a good 20 minutes under warm water soap and tweezers I managed to wrap my hand up and head home to get pretty [all my make up was gone and my hair looked like Medusa's after the fall] Off to the reception we went.
I got to wear my pretty headband and outfit I had originally gotten for the wedding. I was pretty! I felt like crap though [splitting headache and felt like crying the whole time - I was in pain man!] Eric danced with me 3 times! It was a miracle one I had to beg for but one I got none the less! It made me happy [dancing always makes me happy!] & I remembered what it was like waiting in the Temple to finally say I do! I was so happy in that moment and I could see it in Eric's eyes too [oh dear goodness I'm a lovey mushy type girl now!]
Nicole looked lovely & Logan looked dashing! [there was more to say but this minor concussion seems to keep making me forget crap!] Anyways the reception was pretty and they video taped a good portion. We had lots of fun and I didn't forget my camera leaving pretty pictures below so you might feel like you there with us!
Cutest Kid in our Group! |
Blue Eyes! |
After this he began to chew on the camcorder! |
We may Never [ever!] Get a Shot with every one in our Group |
Julie? Your Eyes are closed ma'am! |
Better |
The Best For Last! |
Oh You Boys! |
Logan Must Have Smelled! |
He Decided he was a Helicopter?!? |
Blurry But Darling! |
Cuteness |
Perfection! | | |
It was beautiful! And we had fun! And now our Two friends are One happy Couple! [bow chick a wow wow!] Love! It's worth everything! I know this one was a bit spiritual and super lovey dovey [it's a word] but I'm so incredibly happy [You'll learn why in my next post!] I am so blessed and it's taken a while to see it but I truly am and I love who I am, who I'm with, and where we're going it's such an adventure!
Wishing you Happiness
All My Love!
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