I would like to say before I begin. For those who don't know I'm Christian [LDS to be exact]. I do not force my beliefs on others and in no way do I mean any ignorance or harm [yes I am aware of other religions this holiday season]. This being said I would like to state that this season with gifts and Santa Claus [that the retail stores take great advantage of ] is because of Christ. So while some of you may wish that I say Happy Holidays because it is Politically Correct [when have you EVER known me to be that!] I would like to say to you Merry Christmas! Tis the Season. This season and holiday and gift buying receiving and giving is due to one man Christ. After all the bases of Christmas is Christ! So I mean no offense but this is why this holiday exists. And one last rant and side note [I'm allowed these once in a while] If you are not celebrating Christmas because you do not believe in Christ then why are you celebrating Christmas by giving Christmas presents and opening received presents on Christmas morning? [food for thought]
Now onto the Good Stuff!
Merry Christmas Readers!
I love this season! It's cold outside but so warm and happy inside. I love the twinkle of Christmas lights [all things that glitter and shine] I love the smell of fresh cut trees. The never ending hot chocolate! The glitter of my ornaments on my tree. The seemingly endless warmth of friendship. And the continually warming roar of the fireplace [or wood stove in my case] It truly is my favorite! And now that we have had Thanksgiving I love hearing the Christmas Music [I hate when a holiday is quickly passed by to attend to the next holiday!] I'm beyond excited for Eric to open his presents! I got so many exciting things for him on such fantastic deals! But alas that must wait until Christmas morn'. So onto what is another joy of the season, Christmas cards!! I did not get to enjoy our first Christmas card our first year of marriage so by darn I was going to get one this year! [I was NOT taking no for an answer this year] And why not do a card, we even have a cute baby to join the photo [yes my dog is my temporary replacement for not having a human baby! - no I do not have baby-itis I am past that!] So I drug Eric and Hurley out into the cold snow to take photos.
If only you were there to hear the complaints and whines [that was just from Eric - not counting Hurley's own whine of protest] you would have found it humorous too. I also drug Krista & Wayne [shout out]out into the snow as well. So here is the Baumgartner Christmas Card and some of my favorite photos of the four five of us out in the freezing cold & snow! [it was a blast -freezing cold, but a blast!]
My Fave! |
Our First 5 Photos were the Best Go Figure |
Can You Tell We're Freezing |
One Day They Will Be Married [They're taking their happy @$$ time!] |
Admin Building |
Hurley Whined Her Way Into Eric's Jacket |
Blurry But Worth Posting |
Very Christmas [y] Tree |
Couldn't do it w/o Jackets anymore! |
He Kept Puffing His Chet Up |
Cuteness [Not Cuter than Eric & I of course! ;)] |
Eric's Fave Trees On Campus |
Hurley Didn't Last Long After This |
The Handicap Sign adds a Nice Touch! |
Was worth the Blurriness |
The Perfect Christmas Photo! |
So This was 12/3/10 Today is 12/8/10 - The Butt Prints are STILL there! |
The Picture of Pure Happiness |
You Just Have NO Idea! |
Frenz! |
Our Relationship is Goofy - Why Not Our Photos! |
Wet Butt & Cute Butt! |
Photo Overload? It's ok, it made up for the lack of photos in my last post! And it was an absolute blast! Eric even said he would do it next year [even earlier so he didn't have to go out with no jacket in the snow!] So to you all, I wish you a Merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year! [I refuse to say and genuinely mean Happy Holidays!]
I truly do hope you enjoy your holiday which ever it be that you celebrate! Look for more coming soon, Saturday was Logan & Nicole's [shout out - what is that like 5 now gosh!] reception! And My birthday is only 8 days away! And believe me I'm STOKED! It'll be a mocktail party, though there will be no alcohol a flowing, there will be plenty of present opening & friends sharing! And Loads of Photos! Mommy is sending my package tomorrow!![excitement!]
Merry Christmas,
All my Love!
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