Sunday, October 17, 2010

All Bottled [shook] Up

It's like popping a whole roll of minty mentos in a 2 liter of coke. It bubbles and rises then jumps clear over your heads and possibly the buildings around you. 

It's not like that [not even close] because when it reaches it's peak it quickly falls down and becomes nonthreatening [i mean like as threatening as a lollipop]

And this whole thing is far worse than mentos and coke. It's like glass shattering into a million pieces, and all headed toward me, crumbling and destroying my entire world. 

You are stuck with a broken heart, one that you are strong enough to move past. I've seen you move past so many more things. I've been through so much worse, seen so much worse, and painfully stood by when so many horrid things happened. I'm strong, so tough, a fighter, feisty as hell, and let's face it the best damn thing you might ever catch... The truth is though, I witnessed my biggest fear in the world and there he was, to make me whole, pick me up, and fix me. I was strong again and that fear dissipated, but now a beast grows deep inside and threatens to shred my entire world into a million pieces. 

Took away everything I knew and left me broken and sitting here with all these feelings, emotions, thoughts, and confusion. 

My mind is a mess [a gazillion wires running on overload] that wont stop beating, pulsing with thoughts and doubt. So where do we go from here. These things swell up inside and me and leave me bottle up.
Could I really post here everything, leave nothing out. Tell you the truth, tell you the lies, tell you everything.

I couldn't wont bring myself to it, I wear my heart on my sleeve and yet here I am presented with the perfect opportunity to take the top off and let the emotions, feelings, thoughts flow [explode] from my mind on this paper and yet I cannot. Leave it to me to be left here with no where to turn and this perfect option before me. I just can not take it and am left here all bottled up.

Until next time, if I do not actually explode.

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