Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Total [Bust]

It's a bad one [i mean this one really stinks] 

You have been warned.

I told you and this is your last chance to stop reading if you proceed it's your own fault [don't blame some one else because you don't listen (read)]

I've started labeling my days, it's a good day, bad day, horrid, shouldn't have gotten out of bed, perfect, couldn't be topped, and just another day. [it's a bad one]

Recently I faced the biggest trouble of my life since March 2009 [no i wont talk about that one ever, nor this one because that would mean I actually told you things] Don't you know I only share the minor details with you.

The truth is [ugly] and today is better than yesterday but still [bad]. I guess when you can say that today was better than yesterday you're progressing. But if you're progressing like a baby trying to talk it's [overwhelmingly] frustrating.  And if you're progressing so slowly are you really progressing forward? How do you know you're not moving back.

There are professionals who [deal] and are helpful [sometimes] or just suck your bank account dry. How do you know when to see one. When you don't need one who do [you] talk to? I mean certainly you don't tell everyone there's trouble in paradise. Let's be realistic that would break that thin barrier between the bad day and crumbling to the floor and crying like a babe for her mother. 

The good part to some things is there's always a slight glimmer [hope] that lets you know today's bad but not horrid [shouldn't have gotten out of bed] because the Lord [My Savior] is watching over me. So i guess the whole post [if you kept reading] wasn't a total BUST. You learned that the expert you turn to [always] is the good Lord, your Savior. 

All my Love 

Hope your day is better than mine. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Deary,

    we are going to get through this. I say WE because I am here for you every step, skip, hop, jump, dance....aaaaand everything else. YOU + ME = A WINNING TEAM. And winning teams turn things around. Don't you like sports analogies?? :P

    I loveeeeee you.
