Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Truth Is, Ugly

Face it you're a walking contradiction, we all are. Once you understand that, things might get easier.....or not. 

The truth is everyone blogs to share their emotions, to tell the world how fabulous they are or how bad their day was because they didn't strut just right. The reality is everyone isn't as fabulous as they think, they say these things to help quiet the loud voice inside that tares their self esteem to shreds deep inside. They didn't strut right means they hit rock bottom, and don't know how they are going to get up and carry on again through tomorrow.

Hypocrits, I hated them my entire life and I looked in the mirror and realized we all are one. Mine is I blog about all the things in my life except for the really deep emotions. I tell you my happy times with out divuldging just exactly what brought me to bliss and how much it means since you might be able to ruin the day if I told you. And the reality is I'd never tell the world what just happened that shattered my world. Though I leave my heart on my sleeve I'd never post it on the web for just anyone to find and use against me. To break the little pieces I've found my self in. 

Let the waves of the emotion roll over you and carry on....if only it was so easy.

The truth is ugly. The truth that women don't respect a man who wears a wedding ring. That men force themselves on a married girl just to see if they can pull the. They do it not because they really want them it's just a matter of making themselves feel better that they could make a married person trust them more than their own spouse. To share secrets, feelings, and thoughts with, is down right intruding. Keep in your pants and go find some one with out a ring on. You can jump their bones and not ruin some one elses life at the same time. Better too is don't post that you love *him* or *her* to the world so their spouse can see it all it does is make the spouse look crazy and you look like a slutty whore or a dirty manjerk. Lets be honest respec the sanctity of marriage.

The truth is ugly and it drags you down from that high cloud you're on. It lets you knwo that the lies you tell your self to get through the day are in fact lies. 

Next time you step out the door, make sure you're not lying to yourself, putting some one else down to boost your self esteem, that your strut is just right, and that you don't try and steal some one else's man. 

All my love,

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